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Top D.C. Paper Pressured on Bilderberg Blackout


By James P. Tucker Jr.

Long ago, I called Jimmy Lee Hoagland, associate editor of The Washington Post and inquired about the Bilderberg group and the Trilateral Commission (TC). Because he had attended these meetings for many years, I explained, I wanted him to tell me when and where for both. His response on Dec. 16, 2010: “Unfortunately, I can’t help. I am not in the Trilateral or Bilderberg loops these days.”

I believe Jimmy Lee was lying. Even if sudden guilt feelings gripped him, he has attended these meetings for many years. He escorts the Post publisher, who has attended each meeting since 1954. So Hoagland certainly would know the “whens” and “wheres.” Both groups always, at their farewell Monday morning breakfast, celebrate when and where they will meet next. And they always get the anticipated reminder letter in January or February so they can pencil in their next meeting dates.

Now, the new ombudsman of the Post, Patrick B. Pexton, seems to be innocent. He assumed the role only in March of this year and came from smaller newspapers. So I called and emailed him (202-334-7582;
his email, [email protected]) this entire article on March 25.

“You are off to a good start,” I wrote to Pexton. “Your column denouncing the plagiarism of Post columnist Sari Horwitz, a three-time
Pulitzer winner, is commendable. But your biggest expose is an easy walk from your desk. Just walk into the offices of Jimmy Lee Hoagland, associate editor, and Donald Graham, chairman of the board.

“Ask them about the annual closed meetings of Bilderberg and the Trilateral Commission they always attend. These are groups of international financiers and political leaders from Europe and North

America. They have an interlocking leadership (Rockefellers, Rothschilds) and a common agenda. High officials, including heads of state, attend from Europe. A high official of the White House and the secretaries of State, Treasury, Defense and the chairman of the Federal Reserve, among other luminaries, always attend.”

I continued in my letter: “Bilderberg has tried, since its inception in 1954, to maintain absolute secrecy, to keep its very existence secret. Bilderberg wants nobody to know that it will meet June 9-12 in Saint Moritz, Switzerland. About 120 will attend Bilderberg. Armed guards will seal off their hotel, and nobody unconnected to Bilderberg will be allowed in.


“The Trilateral Commission, with about 300 participants, will be less obtrusive when it meets in Washington, D.C., April 8 to April 10. TC will seal off two floors with security keeping all others out. Both groups worked together to get the United States into a war with Libya and to promote global taxes and oil price increases, among other things.

“Now when you visit, Hoagland and Graham will be shocked that you know about these groups and will sputter that they are all good people doing wonderful things and should not be publicized. Ask the same question I have asked apologists for 30 years: If 120 film stars, or 120 professional football players, were meeting behind closed doors and armed guards for three days, you would bust your butt trying to learn and report on what transpired. Why, then, no curiosity when 120 or 300 of the world’s most powerful men meet secretly?”

I concluded, “Also explain that these meetings are criminal because the Logan Act prohibits public officials from holding closed meetings with private citizens to plot public policy. When they mutter that the Logan Act passed in 1799, there are two answers. Unless repealed, it remains the law of the land. And it has been updated and expanded several times, including in the 20th century. Have fun.”

I simply signed it, Jim Tucker, AMERICAN FREE PRESS.

AFP editor James P. Tucker Jr. is a veteran journalist who spent many years as a member of the “elite” media in Washington. Since 1975 he has won widespread recognition, here and abroad, for his pursuit of on-the-scene stories reporting the intrigues of global power blocs such as the Bilderberg Group. Tucker is the author of Jim Tucker’s Bilderberg Diary: One Man’s 25-Year Battle to Shine the Light on the World Shadow Government. Bound in an attractive full-color softcover and containing 272 pages—loaded with photos, many never published before—the book recounts Tucker’s experiences over the last quarter century at Bilderberg meetings. $25 from AFP. No charge for S&H in U.S.

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(Issue # 15, April 11, 2011)

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