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Freedompalooza is coming on July 2-3


By Victor Thorn

Some 20 speakers, 20 bands, plus two days of patriotism and truth-telling. It’s called Freedompalooza, and on July 2-3 it’s rolling into one of the historic birthplaces of America, Kintnersville, Pa.

On June 8, this writer interviewed Paul Topete, frontman for the political rock band Pokerface and originator of Freedompalooza.

“We envision this festival as the patriot’s version of a traveling truthstock,” said Topete. “We have something good to tell America without any fear that it’s coming from mainstream media sources.”

One of the featured speakers will be AFP’s own Jim Traficant. Topete explained why the former Ohio representative was a natural fit. “There are so few congressmen who even know what America is any more. After Traficant introduced the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights, he messed with the government’s money, so the government put him in jail.”

Other notable names to appear at this and future dates include Jim Condit, 9-11 activist Manny Badillo and self-described “enemy of the state” Larken Rose, a former political prisoner that has engaged in many battles with the IRS.

Topete spoke with obvious pride when referring to his guests. “This festival is for us. Those who attend Freedompalooza will hear more truth in one place than they’ll ever hear in their lives. We’re going to entertain them, and everyone will leave a little smarter.”


Since a handful of Tea Party websites are promoting Freedompalooza, AFP inquired as to his thoughts on this political force.

“We had a great relationship with them until people like Glenn Beck took over,” Topete remarked. “We played a July 4 event in Washington, D.C., but then they got neo-conned by groups like the ADL and turned into a controlled opposition movement.”

As AFP readers can tell, they won’t hear this kind of straight forward, no nonsense talk at other political functions or at their county fair. That’s what makes Freedompalooza so different from any other summer event. The musicians are politically minded, speakers such as Traficant refuse to back down, and as the driving force behind these festivities, Topete shows a courage exhibited by few in our world today.

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(Issue # 26, June 27, 2011)

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