Updated July 2, 2005








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Global Elite Wants U.S. to Sign Treaty

Bilderberg Pushes Bush, Congress to Pass Kyoto Enviro Pact


By James P. Tucker Jr.

 French President Jacques Chirac called the Kyoto treaty on global warming “the first component of an authentic global governance,” Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) writes in a national newspaper.

It was an unguarded moment for Chirac. World government is the main goal of the secret Bilderberg group, of which he is a luminary.

“Margot Wallstrom, the European Union’s commissioner on the environment, said Kyoto is ‘about leveling the playing field for big businesses worldwide,’ ” Inhofe wrote.

Inhofe quotes Richard Lindzen, a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology:

“Science, in the public arena, is commonly used as a source of authority with which to bludgeon political opponents and propagandize uninformed citizens. . . . A fairer view of that science will show that there is still a vast amount of uncertainty—far more than advocates of Kyoto would like to acknowledge.”

Concludes Inhofe: “Based on that uncertainty, our constituents hardly need ‘global governance,’ but they do deserve responsible governance at home.”


Europeans will be bringing heavy pressure on President Bush to embrace the Kyoto treaty at the G-8 summit in Gleneagles, Scotland scheduled for July 6-8. President Bill Clinton, a Bilderberger, signed the treaty. Bush unsigned it.

It was never sent to the Senate after a test vote showed more than 90 would vote against ratification. Meanwhile, UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan publicly advocated the Bilderberg goal of imposing a world tax on oil—a matter pending for three years without mainstream media attention.

After meeting with Chirac and British Prime Minister Tony Blair at the Elysee Palace, Annan was asked if he favors a global tax. “It is something I cannot be but in favor of,” he replied, according to a UN translation from French to English.

(Issue #28, July 14, 2005)

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