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By Dave Gahary

A prolific author and Bible scholar is sounding the alarm on the growing surveillance state, admonishing Americans to stand up now against an increasingly oppressive government—or face the risk of losing privacy forever.

Recently, AMERICAN FREE PRESS spoke with Grant R. Jeffrey, author of the book Shadow Government: How the Secret Global Elite Is Using Surveillance Against You.* This is a subject he has been researching since the 1990s. An expert in biblical prophecy, Jeffrey has written 25 books, selling over 7 million copies. Asked why he wrote the book, Jeffrey was blunt: “I learned that the growing field of surveillance was destroying any privacy or freedom that we had in private communications, and I am warning people that are concerned that it’s now or never. If we don’t complain and bring this up to our political representatives and demand a privacy law then we’ll never regain privacy.”

Why is this situation so critical now?

“After 9-11, privacy became impossible,” said Jeffrey. “Our society and citizens within it and their leaders made a conscious decision to trade our privacy and our freedom for the illusion of security. And that’s the situation we have today which is underlined by the ridiculous situation in airport security and many other things that are really showing that to a tremendous
degree, the terrorists have succeeded in transforming our formerly free society.”

Why the title Shadow Government? Don’t we live in a country where our representatives are democratically elected, AFP pressed?

“Well if you look back in history, power was always very much up front and center,” he said. “Everyone knew who the king was, the president, the prime minister. But increasingly in our generation, power is exercised from the shadows.”


Asked to elaborate, Jeffrey continued: “Power is exercised often by secret intelligence, military and police groups behind the scenes with little democratic accountability to our elected representatives, partly because of the nature of weapons of mass destruction.

Since we could lose London, Washington or Ottawa at any given moment, our governments have been forced to engage in massive continuity of government programs, and they would be irresponsible if they did not plan for the worst. Because of this, governments have been forced to set up parallel governmental systems, to carry on without Congress or without Parliament.”

So how does high-tech surveillance tie in to this? “In our world we have really traded our freedom and privacy for an illusion of security because of the fear of terrorism,” Jeffrey concluded. “Every phone call, whether it is a landline or a cell phone, is monitored by intelligence agencies, police, and even our Internet searches are stored and made available to police, not just the police of the United States, but police of other countries.”

* The  book, Shadow Government, is available from AFP for $15 plus $3 S&H. AFP’s 40-minute interview with the author is available on CD for $15 plus $3 S&H. The book and CD are available as a set for $25 plus $5 S&H. Call 1-888-699-6397.

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(Issue # 49 & 50, December 6 & 13, 2010)

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