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By Mark Anderson

WASHINGTON, D.C.—Once again, Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) won the
presidential straw poll at the recent annual Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC)—an event loaded with “neoconservatives” who want to marginalize or exclude pro-peace conservatives such as Rep. Paul and his son, Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.)—largely because “Paul and son” want to keep military spending on the table for possible major budget reductions.

This development, wherein Ron Paul received 30 percent of the vote, came amid the usual evasive reporting by the mainstream media—reports that echo those in 2008 when Rep. Paul, a medical doctor from Lake Jackson, Texas, threw his hat in the ring but was virtually invisible to a corporate media big party alliance that does not want to admit that their dull, manufactured presidential candidates are not making the grade.

For example, a south Texas daily, The Monitor, in the Feb. 13 edition, reported that Rep. Paul had won the straw poll, as the first choice of the 3,742 who voted at the CPAC. Paul’s 30 percent was followed by former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney’s 23 percent—about the same as last year. But the vote was highly fractured for the other potential candidates who visited the CPAC podium, including Texas Gov. Rick “Toll Road” Perry, Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, tycoon Donald Trump, Rep. Michele Bachman (R-Minn.) and others that inspire yawns.

Alone among the GOP candidates, Rep. Paul’s record during 22 years in Congress proves that he means what he says and his words are not the usual phony campaign rhetoric. The establishment, needless to say, would rather take a “say anything” approach than fully admit that none of their potential nominees excite the throngs of GOP voters looking for “another Ronald Reagan,” along with those who don’t know what they’re looking for.


So, AFP encourages undecided voters to reconsider their outlook and try backing Rep. Paul. No one ever said he was perfect—his views on trade and monetary policy are debatable on populist and commonsense grounds. However, this nation has had more than enough of the road to perdition laid by the neo-conservative warmongers. And Rep. Paul, who airs honest views and does not pander to what people want to hear, would challenge the U.S. spending and foreign policy that is financially and morally bankrupting the nation. For that reason alone, Ron should run.

Mark Anderson is a longtime newsman now working as the deputy editor for AFP. He and his wife Angie provide photographs and video of the events they cover for AFP. Listen to Mark’s radio show at, Saturdays at 7pm central. Email him at at [email protected].

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(Issue # 9, February 28, 2011)

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