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Institute for Truth Studies

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Secret Police Report Slams Supporters of Paul, Baldwin, Barr


By Mark Anderson

Reminiscent of when the Clinton administration in the 1990s stepped up efforts to portray those within the freedom movement as being “ideational conspirators” whose beliefs could be on par with foreign terrorists and/or potential domestic criminals, the Missouri Information Analysis Center is a newer initiative that seems to harbor the same assumptions but lists names in such a way that it opens itself up to potential charges of libel and slander.

Former Constitution Party presidential candidate Chuck Baldwin—a Christian pastor and writer who himself is implicated in the MIAC’s special report as representing a “threat” to law enforcement—wrote the following:

“Thanks to a concerned Missouri state policeman, a nationally syndicated radio talk show host stated that he was alerted . . . to a secret Missouri state police report that categorized supporters of Congressman Ron Paul, Bob Barr, and myself as ‘militia influenced terrorists.’”

The report, Baldwin continued, “instructs the Missouri police to be on the lookout for supporters displaying bumper stickers and other paraphernalia associated with the Constitutional, Campaign for Liberty, and Libertarian parties.”

Baldwin ran for president in 2008 and eventually was backed by Rep. Paul after Paul, disgusted with the two dominant political parties, dropped out as a GOP presidential contender, having shook up the political order with his liberty-minded candidacy and bold statements on nationally televised debates.

This MIAC report focuses on the so-called “militia movement” and “conflates it with supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Baldwin, Bob Barr, the so-called patriot movement and other political activist organizations opposed to the North American Union and the New World Order,” Baldwin goes on to say in his regular column, published at


“According to the MIAC, opposition to world government, NAFTA, federalization of the states, and restrictive gun laws [is] potential threat to the police.”

The MIAC report also refers to the late Aaron Russo’s film, America: Freedom to Fascism, as yet another species of information alleged to signify a “threat” in some manner.

AMERICAN FREE PRESS has interviewed Baldwin, Paul and many of those in his movement, as well as Russo and can certify that there is nothing to these spurious allegations. This project appears to be nothing less than political profiling by a nervous establishment that fears the American people are waking up to the devastating effects on the nation brought on by Marxist political correctness and 15 years of NAFTA—which is a major culprit in the economic downturn.

Americans in increasing numbers also are concerned about the aggressive efforts of U.S. leaders, captive to a global agenda, to merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico into a North American Union like the European Union. AFP and its maliciously-destroyed spiritus rector, The Spotlight, has steadily covered the efforts of hard-working Americans such as Texans Uniting for Reform and Freedom who oppose a project for the North American Union—namely the proposed Trans-Texas Corridor, or NAFTA Superhighway.

The opposition to these schemes is not and has never been violent, as citizens conduct peaceful marches, file lawsuits, attend legislative hearings and other normal channels seeking a redress of grievances and open, accountable government.

This report is not original. During the Clinton administration, a Phoenix Federal Bureau of Investigation and Joint Terrorism Task Force explicitly designated defenders of the Constitution as “right-wing extremists.”

However, the “MIAC report significantly expands on earlier documents and is the first known document to actually name names,” Baldwin added.

The MIAC report itself is linked here: /secret-state-police-report-ron-paul-bob-barr-chuckbaldwin-libertarians-are-terrorists/

Mark Anderson is a longtime newsman now working as a corresponding editor for American Free Press. Together he and his wife Angie provide many photographs of the events they cover for AFP. Mark welcomes your comments and inputs as well as story leads. Email him at at [email protected].

(Issue # 14, April 6, 2009)

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